It’s 2015 and I’ve updated the Nationals Park Beer Guide – it’s up on the top level menu bar but you can just click here to start mapping out your beer sampling.
A few observations and notes from this year’s trip:
- The Sam Adams Nationals 10th Anniversary IPA is everywhere, which makes sense
- On the Main Concourse, the Heineken stand just past the Red Porch (near the escalator up to the On Deck bar/Shake Shack area) took over the approximate space of what used to be the Blue Moon stand (under the escalator). In place of the original Heineken stand is now the Beltway Bar, which has all Sam Adams stuff on tap
- Also on the Main Concourse, this time behind section 130-ish, the Baseline Brews is gone. In it’s place is the Captain’s Cove – a bar that also serves hard liquor. I’ve included it in the map because, unlike previous years, the liquor bars have beers on tap that are worth noting (Seriously, it had a beer I didn’t know existed)
- Peroni was at quite a few stands for the past few years, and I didn’t see it anywhere. I didn’t see any Pilsner Urquell either, although that was only on a couple of taps last year.
- Blue Moon White IPA is a new beer from that craft brewery (SABMiller) and it was at quite a few taps
- The Gallery Level shows a Base Line Brews that has two arrows. When I was there, there were actually two BLB’s there, but neither was open. I assume as the season goes on, these will both eventually be open, and I’ll update as I can